The buzz is on about Nigeria fashion week which is set hold in London. Interestingly, even though the name Nigeria Fashion Week is synonymous with Lexy Mojo Eyes of Legendary Gold, being the official organizer of the Nigerian Fashion Show and Nigerian Fashion Week, this London edition is actually put together by 3 different ladies who are not members of the Legendary Gold. The event is put together by Bola Awosika(Larviva Boss), Ronke Ademiluyi (Rukkies Boss) and Kamari Ademiluyi. The fashion show which will be staged in London is part of the activities to mark 50th Independence Anniversary of Nigeria. The event is aimed at showcasing the best of Nigerian designers at home and abroad giving them recognition for what they have been doing. It is a reminiscent of the Nottinghill carnival in the United Kingdom. But the question on people’s mind ever since these 3 illustrious women made their intention known to organize this event is if there wont be clash of interest between them and the Legendary Gold boss, Lexy, since he has gotten the right to this event.
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