Unlike most men of God whose wives also play key roles in the running of the church , such as the likes of Pastor Adeboye and wife, Bishop Oyedepo and wife, Bishop Okonkwo and wife, Peace; Pastor Sam and Nike Adeyemi, Pastor Paul Adefarasin and wife, Ifeanyi and a host of others. These men of God are married to beautiful wives who are equally doing wonderfully well in the Lord’s vineyard. They are as well admired and wield as much power as their husbands. On the billboards, posters and leaflets, they also get publicity and space too just like their husband. Some of them share the responsibility of evangelism, and preach publicly with their men. Often addressed as, Mummy or Mama, they are also as hardworking as their husbands, and some even more popular than their husbands.
But in the case of Rev. Toyin George, the wife of the founder of the popular Rhema Chapel International, Rev. George Adegboye, not much is known about her and this is deliberate. She prefers to silently steer and co-ordinate affairs of the church from the background. This elegant and soft-spoken woman is on the quite side. Even though she is the Vice President of the ministry, she does not co-run the church in a very visible way with her husband. She prefers to be in the background giving her husband all the full support he needs. She can be describe as the wind beneath his wing as she is very supportive and encouraging. She is a tremendous asset to the church.
She takes care of the softer part of the ministry, The Children’s Ministry. The Children Ministry has a daycare centre, they have a primary school and a secondary school and she is doing a great job coordinating the ministry. She is also the director of the Bible School. She is one of the first students to be produced by the school which was founded over a decade ago.
She is pleased that she is a friend and lover to her husband, a nurturer and blessing to their three children, and a hostess to guests in their home. She is also delighted supporting her husband in the growth of the church.
She has always respected the call of God on Rev. George’s life and has been supportive of it. She realized at the beginning of the ministry that it is her husband that is called to the nations and not her. And rather than competing with the husband, she actually complement him.
And with the ever busy schedules of her husband, such as teaching, speaking and leading ten thousands of worshippers, she is always a shoulder to lead on when he is weak. She attends to the needs of her husband 24/7.
Affectionately known as “Faith Mummy”, she is well loved by the congregation of the church. She pastors and oversees the church when Rev. George is not around. . She welcomes members and visitors to the church, and reaches out to them. She also help establish an atmosphere conducive to spiritual growth.
Rev. George met his wife in 1981, in Ilesha, the same place he gave his life to christ. She was a specific choice from God.They courted for 3 years and got married in 1984. Though a Briton, she shunned settling down in her UK based, letting go of that part of her , so as to be with her husband in his Ilorin homebase.
Last year, they celebrated their 25 years wedding anniversary where they renewed their vows and exchange rings. They are blessed with 3 lovely children; Faith, Faithful and Faithfulness who are all doing well for themselves.
Rev.George Adegboye is the president and founder of Rhema Chapel International Churches with headquarters in Ilorin, Kwara State. He is an Apostle of the New Testament, with a commission to “Take the Word to the nations of the World, emphasizing its integrity. He is the President of the Ever Increasing Word Ministries, also known as Rhema Chapel International Churches, with many branches worldwide. He is also the President of the Word of Victory Bible Training Institute and the Young Ministers Teaching School , which are the training arm of the ministry. He teaches the word extensively with a simplistic practical prophetic insight.He is known for his prophetic and peculiar anointing, especially at crusade grounds. He has a dynamic insight into the Word of God. His ability to memorize and quote the Scriptures copiously has endeared him to many Christians earning him the name “The Walking Bible”. Humble and down-to-earth also been referred as one of the Fathers of Christianity as his ministry has produced a lot of the top pastors in the country such as the like of Pastor Sam Adeyemi, Pastor Samuel Olubiyo, Pastor Victor Adeyemi and a host of others.
He has being instrumental in helping to birth, father, mentor, train, adjust, repair, place, encourage, motivate and send forth several fit and capable ministers into the harvest fields of the earth. He has been used to impart and transform many young men and women into flaming fire brand ministers of the Gospel in several nations of the world.
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