(1)Linda Ikeji, Ex- model and Enterprenuer.Her Blog is Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog
(2) Bola Akinboade, Fashion and Style Editor of City People Media Group. Welcome to Bola Akinboade's Blog.
(3)Tari Ekiyor .Writer And Media Content Developer.Tari's Blog.
(4)Uduak Oduok, Artoney,Journalist and Fashionista, LadyBrille Media Blog
(5)Juliet Mimi Atedze , Journalist and Enterprenuer FabmimiBlog.
(6)Sarah Ofili , Super Model .Sarah Ofili's Beauty Blog
Female Internet users are more engaged. On a worldwide basis, women spend 8% more time on the Internet than men. They go online 58 times per month on average, more than the 54 times per month for men. They also spend about 4 minutes more per day online than men (82 minutes vs. 78 minutes).
In the U.S., women make up about half the internet population, but generate 58% of dollars spent online. Interestingly, while men and women account for about the same share of spending at the online pure-play retailers (Amazon, Dell, Overstock, etc.), women account for twice the share (67% vs. 33%) of online spending at multi-channel retailers like Wal-Mart and Best Buy.
Women have always spent more time on social networking sites than men, but the percentage of time women spend is increasing at a faster rate than for men. Women have often been early adopters of technologies that emphasize sharing and communication, such as photo-sharing, chat and IM. Interestingly, women of all ages tend to become highly engaged in social media. While a smaller percentage of older women use social networking, once they discover it, they are just as engaged as younger women.
Women engage in several activities online that are more commonly associated with male interests. For example, they exhibit about the same interest in online gambling as men (so beware those female pokers that sit down at your table!). There is also a large and growing interest among women in online gaming, which includes many women over the age of 35. Additionally, the percentage of women who consume sports content is trending upward at a rapid pace, and is approaching that of men. Women and men are pretty evenly matched in terms of financial news content, with women visiting tax sites more often than men.
What’s interesting thing about these findings is that with few exceptions, they were true across the globe. When women are relatively heavier users of a particular content category, the same thing is often true in opposite corners of the world. That means any stakeholder in the digital advertising value chain – from developers to publishers to agencies – can use this information to employ effective marketing strategies and execute them on a global scale. It’s clear that women are shaping the Internet in some pretty important ways, and it’s time to begin thinking more seriously about how to seize the opportunity.
Source: www.fabmimi.blogspot.com
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