Top of the range hair salon, Hair Solutions owned by Mrs Adefarasin is obviously starting the 2010 on fresh notes. The lady is expanding her business to accommodate her ever increasing clientele. This trendy salon recently moved from its location Opebi to a bigger outfit at Sule Abuka Crescent, both in Ikeja. The new space has a bigger parking space, friendly security personnel, and spacious salon space, all in a serene atmosphere. And apart from this new expansion, she will also be bringing in new expertise and ideas into her salon business so as to give her customers excellent professional service.
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Top of the range hair salon, Hair Solutions owned by Mrs Adefarasin is obviously starting the 2010 on fresh notes. The lady is expanding her business to accommodate her ever increasing clientele. This trendy salon recently moved from its location Opebi to a bigger outfit at Sule Abuka Crescent, both in Ikeja. The new space has a bigger parking space, friendly security personnel, and spacious salon space, all in a serene atmosphere. And apart from this new expansion, she will also be bringing in new expertise and ideas into her salon business so as to give her customers excellent professional service.

Designer Ituen Bassey owner of Ituen Basi fashion label relocated from England to Nigeria only last year, yet she is already making a big impact in the fashion industry. Ituen Basi just recently established a Fashion Development Agency (FDA), producing designs for other designers among its numerous production services.
FDA currently works with 16 local workers in meeting its production deadlines and plans to expand its roster to include more. She is also planning to expand into men and children’s wear soon.

Banke Meshida Lawal, the BM Pro Boss, is one of the major forces to reckon with as far as the Nigeria make-up industry is concerned. She is an authority in this field. She recently came up with a brilliant concept tagged “Get the Look”. It’s was a 3 days make-up and photography event. The concept had the guests coming in with a picture of how they would like their make-up done, and the team of Make-up artists led by Banke herself recreating the look in a better way. After which the Ace Photographer, Ade Plumptre captured the portrait photos of the finished look.
She also had her first mega sales at the event. The show which took place in her Ikoyi residence in a very relaxed atmosphere also attracted a lot of high profile ladies in the society. It was a total new concept for the make-up industry and Banke happens to score first for that brilliant idea.

The new trends that seems to be catching on many young Nigerians is the donation of their ovaries and sperms to fertility centers to make quick cash, even as they help childless couples in the process. More than ever before, the number of young men and girls, most of whom are in the peak of their reproductive cycle with their age ranging between 21-32, willingly to donate their ovaries and sperm has been on the rise. A majority of them are single and working and want to donate eggs and sperms to get some extra money to maintain a good lifestyle.
What makes this a booming business for most of them is due to the fact that a lot of Nigerian couples are beginning to accept the accept the IVF technique as a last solution to their fertility problems. Most couples have beginning to except the idea that if someone else’s plump, youthful egg or sperm has a better shot, why not use it. So there has been a high demand for donor of ovaries and sperm lately.
Though you are made to believe that you are not selling your eggs, sperm or body and you are been compensated for your time and commitment, the compensation is indeed a highly rewarding one. All medical fees (the injections, doctor visits, counseling, medical exams, etc.) are paid for by the recipients, while donors also receive cash payment for their participation in a donor cycle. The sum varies depending on where you live and how good a candidate you are, the number of cycles (payment are made per cycle and not per egg) and others. The least payment is between N100, 000- N250, 000, per cycle but it’s higher than this in most cases considering the risk involved especially for the women.
Being an egg donor is much different than being a sperm donor for several reasons:
Sperm donors are men. They have an unlimited amount of sperm, and it's incredibly easy to donate that sperm (it just takes a hand and a magazine). That's why men are paid lesser than the women for participating in a sperm donation program.
The ideal donor must be men of normal average intelligence, ages should be between 18 and 45 years, healthy and free from genetic and infections such as HIV, Hepatitis, B & C, sexually transmitted disease and sickle cell disease, a college background, non-smoker and no history of drug abuse with good family health history.
Donors must have sperm counts of 400 million to 500 million, twice the norm. And most of these sperm must be faster than an ordinary sperm, more powerful than an ordinary sperm, able to leap tall Petri dishes in a single bound! Unfortunately it's super sperm for only one in four men.
Egg donors are women. Women have a limited number of eggs (several hundred) and to get the eggs, it is far more labor intensive than sperm donation and carries health risks. That's why women can make several thousand nairas for donating some eggs.
The female egg, or ovum, is 90,000 times bigger than the male sperm, so it's worth more.
The ideal donor must be women between the ages of 21-33 average height and within normal range, no smoking or drug use, previous delivery preferred (but not compulsory), healthy and free from genetic and infectious diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis, B & C and Syphilis, Genotype must be AA and Blood group with a positive rhesus, good educational background and good family health history, high level of responsibility to meet the requirement of the programme and willingness to complete one or more donation cycles.
According to a medical doctor, there is no harm in egg donation and it's a minor procedure. And donors can donate eggs after every two months.
"A woman produces one egg per month and they all get wasted. So in a way these girls are helping childless couples and in turn are getting a handsome amount," she said.
To stimulate the production of extra eggs -- say one or two dozen -- the donor is placed on hormone injections for weeks and the eggs are extracted under anesthesia with a needle. The process can cause ovarian hyper stimulation, which in rare cases can be life-threatening.
The donors have to undergo some medical tests and counseling before egg donation. Then the girls meet a counselor who tells them about the procedure of egg donation. They are then sent to a fertility expert for a complete medical checkup and finally to a psychologist.
On the first day, a fertility hormone is injected which increases the production of eggs. The hormone helps in the production of 10 to 12 eggs. Egg extraction takes place on the 14th day and during this period they have to visit the doctor every three days for medical tests. The girls are expected to stay in the hospital for four hours on the day the eggs are extracted.
The procedure for extracting eggs from the ovary requires no cuts or operation and donors are required to stay in the hospital for four hours. There are no major side effects of egg donation, but nausea, giddiness, constipation and headache remain for a few days.
And the interesting thing is that even if you are dropped from a program mid-way, maybe you do not respond adequately to the hormones or you are not producing enough eggs to be a feasible donor, you may receive partial compensation. Notably, ever since this money spinning business has been discovered, more Nigerian youths have been turning themselves in as it has become another fast alternative to make money.
Barely two months after opening a store in Lagos Nigeria, MANGO opened doors to a second store in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital city. The Mango store is located on the ground floor of the Silverbird Entertainment Centre. All MANGO stores are in prime locations, either in shopping centers or in city centers. In order to display collections, stores have dimensions which make it possible to maintain the interior design, image and product display criteria the MANGO team have designed in order to create a pleasant environment in which customers can enjoy the shopping experience ,like the Lagos store, the Abuja store is no exception.
Founded in 1984, MANGO is a prestigious international brand dedicated to the design, manufacturing and sale of women’s clothing and accessories. Currently, it has more than 1,600 stores in 100 countries. One of MANGO’s targets is to have five stores in Nigeria within three years:
Founded in 1984, MANGO is a prestigious international brand dedicated to the design, manufacturing and sale of women’s clothing and accessories. Currently, it has more than 1,600 stores in 100 countries. One of MANGO’s targets is to have five stores in Nigeria within three years:

Tara Durotoye is one of the pioneers in the make-up industry. She is one woman that is on top of her game as she is an expert of coming out with new ideas and innovation. She recently launches her new make-up line, the H.I.P range which is still the talk of the town till date. The new line is a high intensity pigment and includes tube lib glosses, single pots shadow and 12-in-1 shadow. Even though the products have been in the market for quite sometime now, she officially launched the products in a very classy way. The event which took place at her Victoria Island outfit was compered by the duo of MC Abbey and Tosin Bucknor. It was also well attended by some of the Fashion buff on the scene which include the Edozien sisters, Linda & Vivian, Mrs Betty Irabor, Lanre Da Silva, Jumoke Adenowo, Tope Lagbegi(MD Sixth Sense), Mrs Nike Ogunlesi (Ruff & Tumble), Mrs Joke Bakare (Medplus), Funke Bucknor Obrutte amongst others. The make-up show was the highlight of the day as the tall and lanky models strutted the runway wearing the various make-up looks created by the team of the House of Tara make-over

The Sleek Nigeria brand is a make-up, hair and skin care line owned by two sisters, Ebele and Ify Ugochukwu. And in just 2 years, it has become a success story as the make up line now ranks as the most patronized.
Recently, the Sleek Sisters have had to contend with adulterated Sleek make up products that have flooded the market. The brand’s popularity seems to have enticed these fake adulterators to join the bandwagon, albeit unlawfully.
The first cases were reported in the first quarter of 2009 when customers came across certain cosmetic products labeled ‘Sleek’ but on removing the packaging, they realized they might actually be fakes; this was confirmed at the nearest Sleek Studio.
Before long, traders of these fake sleek products multiplied, quickly entering into markets like Balogun, Tradefair both in Lagos and even Onitsha in Anambra State, initially enticing customers with cheaper prices.
Although Sleek Representatives in the markets have maintained a close eye on them, the adulterators have upped their game as weeks and months roll by; from improving their packaging to look almost like the original Sleek version to increasing their prices to avoid easy detection, it does seem like there is no end to their tricks.
The fake products are brought into the country from yet unknown locations in Asia. These fake products can cause damage to the skin and health in general.
Cases have been recorded where test subjects reported a glaucoma-like effect/reaction (double vision & redness of eyes) immediately after using a fake Sleek I-divine eye shadow. Packaged to look just like the original, a trained eye can tell the difference; although at a recent seminar organized for Sleek representatives to further educate and inform them on the fakes, very few could accurately tell the difference between the original products and sample fake products.
The case is so serious now that these 2 industrious sisters have begun to take drastic measure against these adulterators. Sleek has joined forces with NAFDAC and is determined to rid the Nigerian market of these fake products.
Recent raids carried out in Lagos in the latter part of last year by NAFDAC officials saw several fake product peddlers arrested and their goods seized; other raids are scheduled for the 1st & 2nd quarters of this year and will include other states where fake products have been reported.
Hence, Sleek Nigeria advises her customers to locate registered franchises and distributors who can provide them with the original product of their choice.

Not many people know that Daystar Christian Church of God founded by Pastor Sam Adeyemi, successful motivational speaker and writer, with headquarters based in Lagos was built into a mega church through the supportive role of his wife, Pastor Nike Adeyemi who is also a co-pastor of the church with a ministry which is specially geared towards women. The Architect turned Pastor is the Director, Women Ministries of Daystar Christian Church and the President of Real Women Foundation, a motivational and healing ministry for women. She is a living testimony of her ministry as she practices what she preaches. And unlike some other wives of the new generational church pastors who like to live in grandeur and magnificence, Pastor Nike is very simple, though in a classy and fashionable way. She is also quiet and easy going.
What many people don’t know about the success of Daystar Church is the enormous role of Pastor Nike. The church which was founded in 1995 and will be marking its 15th year anniversary in the next couple of months. The church actually started very small with much need and lack. The church was inaugurated at the Eko Chinese Restaurant with just couple of members. But all that is history now, as it has grown phenomenally in those 15 years and boast of members of over 5,000 members who worship at the permanent site of the church located at the Oregun axis of Lagos.
No doubt , just as Pastor Sam Adeyemi is obviously the face of the church as he ranks as one of the most sought after pastors in Christendom with his eloquent and motivational speaking, his wife also plays a key role in the growth of the church.
As a matter of fact, Pastor Sam as publicly acknowledged how Pastor Nike molded him in a lot of way, starting from his dressing and other things.
A lot of people who are members of the ministry will also testify that Pastor Nike is a fulcrum of support to the church. Since her ministry is all about women, she has been able to pull different women both the high and mighty in the society into the church.
Though, very quite, simple and easy going, she serves efficiently in the major segments of the church that will make any body wonder how this mother of 3 can be able to put all these together.
Her major ministry, The Real Woman Foundation was founded to bring healing to distressed women. The foundation strives to curb prostitution in the society and get rid get rid of sexual violence against women. Through this organization, she holds impactful seminars and conferences that basically address all the issues that women go through in their everyday lives in a relationship with themselves, their family and society at large.
She is also very sound in the Word just like her husband as she handles some of the church services. In some instances when Pastor Sam has to travel out of the country for weeks, she takes charge of the church in conjunction with the Pastoral team. She is also an international conference speaker and has been privileged to minister both within and outside the country.
Another aspect where Pastor Nike is also very visible in the ministry of her husband is the Daystar Leadership Academy, a leadership development center to empower the youth and help them in maximizing their potentials. She is one of the key facilitator at the school handling Family Success and other course modules.
Pastor Nike also runs a motherless babies home where she takes care of the abandoned children and the less privileged, taking them off the street and giving them food, clothing and shelter. She does not only limit herself to the motherless babies owned by the church as she also reached out to the other babies and children at the various homes for motherless children, less privileged and others across the country.
Recently, she also added a rehabilitation centre for prostitutes and women in distress to her ministry.
Pastor Nike has been described as a woman with a large heart, she is so passionate about helping and giving, and many in need have enjoyed her comforting readiness to practically meet their need. And this might explain why is well respected and adored in the church.
Of note, she is not forceful in her discharge of authorities even to those on the Pastoral team. And because of her amiable personalities, a lot of people just naturally submit to her.
Pastor Nike has authored couple of inspirational books such as “The Real Woman”, “Building a Successful Home”, “Woman Asset to the Nation” and others.
She is also recipient of several awards such as the PSR Woman empowerment Awards, the Woman of Merit Awards amongst others.

One time Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria, Munachi Abii has proved a lot of people wrong about beauty queen and their vocations after their reign. Unlike other beauty queens who always embrace the fashion, beauty and modeling industry, she is fast horning her skills in the Nigeria rap industry. She is taking after Sabina Umeh who also went into music after her reign several years ago before she relocated to the US. Sabina sings R & B.
Munachi has always had flair for music even before she won the coveted crown of MBGN in 2007. She featured on rapper, Terry Tha Rapman’s, debut album on a track called My PH girl, and collaborated with several artistes in Port Harcourt, including a crew known as Ijaw Boiz Entertainment.
Inspite of her success on the runway, and the prospects of an exciting career as a model, the Benson Idahosa University undergraduate has pitched her tent with music; choosing to be a rapper and recording artiste.
She has been making some appearances lately, her most recent is at the Future Awards were she also did what she knows how to do best. She is also presently working on her album and hopes to release it very soon.

Bettina Sibo Briggs is one of the first set of people that brought the Full Lace Wig into Nigeria. Bettina who started off from her Lagos based moved into Port harcourt 2 years ago where she now dominates in that business. Her unique Hollywood hair style stands her out in the class of Senior Big Babes .she does not only sell and fix full lace wig, she also refill the wigs when they start shredding. But the news now is that she is taking her business to the City of Uyo.This is another terrain she hopes to capture even within a short peroid of time.

Bimbo Okoya, the daughter of a business mogul and owner of Eleganza Group of Companies, Alhaji Razaq Akanni Okoya, is one dynamic and focused young lady who has paid her dues in the corporate world. What is new about her right now is the fact that she decided to float her own business, AOMS, an integrated marketing agency that specializes in providing world class marketing management service.
She started her career in the United Kingdom and later worked in various organizations such as British America Tobacco (BAT) and OANDO PLC, all at Management levels. She had always had passion for development, which might explain why she quit her job at OANDO to start her business.
AOMS is an integrated marketing agency that specializes in providing world class marketing agency that specializes in providing world class marketing management services. They are committed to helping their clients achieve their goals and objective by assisting them in segmenting their market, positioning their respective brands and targeting their potential consumers.
The marketing team consists of well-qualified marketing professionals who are experts in their fields and have years of relevant experience.
They offer a complete marketing package that consists of: strategic marketing consultation, brand development and revitalization, integrated campaigns, new media, direct marketing, experiential marketing, incentive programs, responsive advertising, public relations and graphic design.
Their package is aimed at achieving business success for organizations as they are dedicated to their goal of delivering marketing management at its finest.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010

The Ex-Idol West Africa 2nd runner up, Temitayo George is in love and this is authoritative. Temitayo George is one of the rising stars on the musical scene. She is the daughter of Captain & Mrs Dele George, and her mother runs the popular Lagos based Little Saint Orphanage Home.Temitayo came into limelight when she became the 2nd runner up at the maiden edition of the Idol West Africa, a musical reality show that had Timi Dakolo emerging as the winner and Omawumi Megbele as the 1st runner up.
Ever since her involvement in this competition, she has not been romantically linked with any man. She has been working tirelessly on her musical career. After Idol, she has showcased her stuff at some great musical concerts and has performed on the stage with some of the biggest stars both in Nigeria and on the international scene such as Dbanj, Sunny Nneji, Michael Bolton and others. Shortly after the Idol West Africa contest, Temitayo turned down the management deal offered by Elvina Ibru and her company based on the reason that her father Captain George had all the necessary facilities to support her. She has however been giving her music career her best short, and also released her single, “Omo Mi”.
Right now, City People can authoritatively tell you that this talented singer has found love her producer, and they have been in a sizzling romance for quite some time now.
The man that wooed her heart is Edmond Benson, an emerging music producer, music promoter and music artiste. This easy going fine gentle man is a protégé of Cobhams Asuquo. He is also a member of the gospel group called “6team”. And apart from his involvement in the music industry, he is also a Model and also has a very smooth ride in that terrain.
According to what City People gathered, Edmond is producing most of the tracks in her much publicized debut album. Even though her style of music is Inspirational as she sings about anything love, life, people and God, he had helped her to fine tune her music, experimenting with different styles to know which suits her voice more. The new album promises to be a block buster. The two lovebirds met in the course of their music career and their relationship has been a roller coaster one ever since. There has been instances of the two of them sighted together around Surulere where Edmond has a studio. There are those who believe that the relationship might be altar bound, judging from the way they display their love and affection openly, as they do not hide their love for each other from people around them.
City People gathered further that one of the things that make Temitayo crazy about Edmond is his strong faith in God. Temitayo who comes from a strong Christian background coupled with the pedigree of her mother couldn’t have ended up with just anyone who does not share the same faith her. Edmond is cool headed with the fear of God in him. He also treats her well and respects her, and that makes it very easy for even her parents to give the relationship their consent.
Edmond has obviously won her heart as Temitayo even proudly displayed on her Face book account that she is in a relationship with Edmond Benson .She also went further to add their anniversary date, that is, the date they met which is October 12,2008. The general conclusion is that she might soon join the league of the female acts who ended up settling down with their producer
Saturday, 20 March 2010

Nikki Khiran is one of Nigeria’s leading fashion designers and her brand is well loved by a lot of top society women. She specializes in glamorous sophisticated chic day wear and occasion wear. Her stunning collection is a combination of fabrics from all over the world, silks, chantily laces, hand painted fabrics, French laces, cottons, saris and her own ethnic fabrics.
And the effect is gorgeous, irresistible outfits created to fit you like glove. She also has a ready to wear line available and specialize in fuller figured women of all sizes.
The big news is that Nikki Khiran has diversified into Interiors and home stuff. This is in line with her vision of wanting the Nikki Khiran brand to be a lifestyle thing. “Whether it is clothes, food, interiors, there must be the so good factor. We live in a stressful environment. People want to dress up and look good. They want to eat, they want to feel good. They want to go into their houses and feel comfortable. I want the Nikki Khiran brand to be about Lifestyle, not just about clothes. I want it to be about Comfort, Specification and Glamour. That is why I went into Interiors and Accessories. I don’t want people to think I am all about clothes. What I mean is that I want Nikki Khiran brand to be about clothes and interiors. I am about life style. I love comfort. I want to have a comfortable home as well as beautiful clothes. I want people to get their accessories, throw pillows, furniture and artworks”
For a while, I have been doing soft furnishing, cushions, curtains, upholstery, flowers and a lot of people didn’t know. My sister is also into interiors, she is a decorator. I went into it because a lot of my customers seem to like what I like. They always say they love my sense of style and taste. And so half quarter of last year, we went into it fully. So when you walk into the shop now, you will see all the home stuff on display. We are not fully open to the public yet. We just started about 4 months ago. I work with my sister who lives in Abuja. She is an interior decorator. I only retail the items. So if my customers want their house done, she will come in and do that. She is my alter ego. She is like the interior décor of Nikki Khiran style or clothes. She is an extension of what I do. So we work together.”
Tuesday, 16 March 2010

It was an A-list gathering at the Medici Restaurant, Victoria Island, Lagos on Sunday 17th of January 2010 as Ex-Beauty Queen, Nike Oshinowo launched her much anticipated fitness DVD called “Fit, Forty and Fabulous”. The event had all the trappings of high taste and class. In this report, City People Fashion Editor, BOLA AKINBOADE brings to you the gist from the party.
It was a classy affair all the way on Sunday 17th of January 2010, when Ex-Beauty Queen Nike Oshinowo launched her fitness DVD “Fit, Forty and Fabulous”. The event which took place at the Medici Restaurant, Victoria Island, Lagos totally lived up to the billing. It was an intimate, women’s only event which was graced by many fabulous Nigerian women of all ages. The event kicked off with guests engaging in chitchat while enjoying cocktails and champagne. While the main activities of the day took off, some of the women shared their fitness secrets. It was indeed an interactive segment and this followed by the display of montage from the new workout DVD. The exhibition was well received with applause as the guests also gave Nike a standing ovation for a job well done. The event was not also only about launching and mingling as the guests also treated to a sumptuous meal. It was a well organized event, though an exclusive one . And because of Nike’s Pedigree, some of the big names in the society were present at the event.
Actor Jason Nwoga was the only man in the house; this is because he was the compere of this great event. He looked dashing in his black suit paired with a blue shirt. He charmed the guests with his witty anecdotes and made sure that was no dull moments. He made the event a very interactive one which gave all the guests the opportunity to loosen up and at the same time, have fun.
Dr Doyin Abiola, the wife of the late billionaire politician, M.K.O Abiola was also at the event. She came in the company of her daughter, Doyin. Dr Doyin Abiola still looks gorgeous and fit in her 60s. She also shared her experience and testimony about the power of exercise. And even though Nike Oshinowo’s DVD is still relatively new, she is one of the first to buy into that idea as she also works out with Nike’s fitness DVD. Dr. Doyin Abiola looked beautiful in her Tiffany Amber dress from the Rhapsody of Art & Fashion collection while her daughter, Doyin dressed up her denim in a signature Renee Q ankara and jersey top.
The Emzor Pharmaceutical Boss, Mrs Stella Okoli was an epitome of support at the event. Not only did she arrive early, she stood by Nike all through the event. She also gave a speech illustrating how you can be beautiful and stylish at any age. She encouraged women to buy into Nike’s project as it’s a job well done and first of its kind in this part of the world. She looks lovely in her ensemble.
Erelu Abiola Dosunmu and Nike Oshinowo have always shared a very strong bond, and their friendship has existed for over a decade. It is more of a mother-daughter thing and Erelu has always been around Nike at any of her endeavors. And despite her other engagements on that day, she made sure she didn’t miss out totally on Nike Oshinowo’s DVD launch. She made a grand entry into the event arena towards the end of the event. And as usual, she was looking elegant in her signature white attire.
Three Nollywood actresses were the bold faces at the event. This includes Rita Dominic, Genevieve Nnaji and Omotola Jolade. Genevieve Nnaji and Rita Dominic also shared their fitness secrets at the event, plus how they do to maintain their sultry look. And one thing about these ladies apart from their acting prowess is their dresses sense. They lit the red carpet at the event with their trendy and lovely outfits. Rita Dominic looked simple but stylish and classy in a belted black dress paired with black platform pumps. Genevieve Nnaji looked really stunning in her black jumpsuit. Her outfit accentuated her trim figure perfectly – the curly mane and colorful clutch seal this fab look, while Omotola Ekeinde brought the spring feeling in her yellow maxi dress paired with a jacket and accessorized with a layered necklace.
Nkiru Animudu , wife of the popular Globe motors boss, wore a different look at Nike’s event, which was different from her usual regular look.. She looked Regal in her traditional Nigerian attire. This is because she was dressed for the billionaire business man, Rasaq Okoya 70th birthday party which also took place on the same day with Nike’s Launch.
Lisa Folawiyo, the brilliant and talented mind behind the Jewel by Lisa Fashion Label was also at the event. Lisa is not one of the regular faces you see at events. She is so much into her fashion designing business. She took time to attend the event because she believes in Nike’s project. She was one of the early arrivals , but she had to leave quite early before the end of the show. She looked very fabulous in her casual chic style, which is actually a piece from her Jewel by Lisa’s diffusion line.
It was an all women affair, as no man except the MC was sighted at the event. According to Nike Oshinowo, she wanted to make it an exclusive and low key event, since she believed that she had done a very good job on the video and it will definitely sell by itself, with or without much publicity. She wanted a very classy event and that was what she got at the end of the day. The event was attended by some of the big names in the society. Notable among those who graced the occasion includes the likes of Erelu Abiola Dosunmu, Dr Doyin Abiola, Mrs Stella Okoli, Mrs Derinsola Osoba,Nkiru Animudu, Genevieve Nnaji, Rita Dominic, Omotola Jolade, Lisa Folawiyo, Ruth Osime, Bolanle Austin-Peters, Elizabeth Elohor- Essien, Mo Abudu, Ebi Williams, Tope Edu, Tola Adegbite, Nana Otedola, Reni Folawiyo, Funke Fowler amongst others
Stepping into the venue of the event, it was so obvious that Nike Oshinowo was the celebrant. She was in her calm but yet excited state of mind, as she ushered in all her guests and made sure they were all comfortable. Though a lot of people who attended the event gave kudos to Nike on a job well done on the DVD, her new look was what a lot of people found so amazing. The pleasingly plump Nike who left Nigeria last year ,has been transformed into a fit and fabulous woman just in couple of months. She was therefore the cynosure of eyes at the event. And one thing that perfected her look for that day was her dress. She looked amazing in her Aspre Sheath Dress by Roland Mouret. The autumn red color of the dress is very complementary to her skin tone and the cut away detail at the hips creates a wonderful silhouette

One male model that is cleaning out on the international scene right now is Ibukun Jegede. He started modeling at the age of 16 in Nigeria after which he which his career took a major turn, as he also had the opportunity to do shows in the UK, where he has been based ever since. He has been working as a professional model for over 7 years and has featured in different fashion shows and photo shoots in several countries which include Britain, Spain, Paris, Nigeria, and UK among others. His major breakthrough came when he won Britain’s Next Top Model of color 2008. He has also won several awards internationally such as Best Male Model of the Year (UK) (BEFFTA AWARDS), Standout Model of the year, Most Fashionable Model of the year
Thursday, 11 March 2010

Fast rising actress, Nse Ikpe-Etim, took some time off years back from Nollywood to pursue her other passion. The Abuja based actress has been working in the bank until recently when she dumped her banking career, and went back on her first love. But the interesting thing about her is that she is one those lucky few who have been able to find their way back to where they used to belong. Almost immediately after her return, her first break through was her role in the blockbuster movie, Reloaded, where she acted as Ramsey Noah’s wife and ever since then it’s been from one success story to another. But apart from her successful acting career which has always been in the news ever since she got back, another news of her that is spreading like wildfire is her alleged romance with Nollywood handsome dude, Fred Amata. She has been alleged to be having an affair with Fred Amata for 13 years now. Though most people didn’t know about it then since she was working in a Bank in Abuja then. But it was gathered that they have been visiting each other shuttling between Lagos and Abuja. The whole thing became very glaring not too long after she came back to Nollywood. It all has to do with the period Fred Amata was part of the Celebrity Takes 2 as Nse was said to have used her face book account to canvass for Fred Amata and asked people to vote for Fred Amata. This is what she put on the social network, “Please guys, I’d like you to do me a personal favor and support Fred Amata by voting for him in the Celebrity Takes 2. I promise I would not have asked this favor if it were not important to me”
Nse did not stop at that as she went on to add, “It was not easy for me to get to where I am at the moment. I encountered many stumbling blocks along the way and almost gave up. Fred Amata was one of those people that never stopped believing in me. He spurred me to continue and did not give up on me even when I gave up on myself. He is one of my mentors and one of the best pioneers of Nollywood, the industry that has made you all notice and love me and molded me into what I am today.
This reason, I plead with you from the bottom of my heart to support him”
That was when most people concluded that there must be more to the relationship, since she wasn’t doing that for her other male colleagues in the competition. And the fact that the face book is a public social site makes it easy for people to conclude that she is actually proud of him and not hiding that fact. According to what City People gathered, Nse holds a high respect for Fred Amata as he was one of those who helped her to come back into the industry. And she also seems to have a long lasting relationship with Fred’s brother, Jeta. Last week City People Fashion Editor BOLA AKINBOADE put all these allegations to her on her affair with Fred Amata, and she opened up her on her alleged romance plus how she was able to break-even within a short period of time.
For quite sometime now, there has been this rumor of your alleged romance with Fred Amata, what was your reaction when you first heard about it?
Oh not again Bola… Haba…..make the man for drink water drop cup like the Koko master would say. I am sure he laughs each time he reads it the same way I laughed when I saw it. It is a laughable matter anyway. Because how can I be in an alleged relationship with someone I don’t even have his number. I found that very interesting.
What then is really the state of the relationship between you and Fred?
No doubt, Fred is a fine man and any woman would want to associate with him any day or anytime. I don’t have any problem being tagged with him. He is like a brother to me because his younger brother is my best friend. When I left the industry years back, he was one of the people who wanted me back and kept encouraging and the excuse I always had then was Oh, I am in the bank. So I don’t see how people will equate friendship to dating as there is no iota of truth in the alleged romance news making waves around town.
There are those who believe that if there was nothing between you and Fred, why did you allow your manager to use your face book account during his participation in the Celebrity Takes 2?
If I allowed my manager to use my face book account, what is the big deal? Can’t I do something for a friend? I cannot choose who my manager campaigns for and besides everyone is entitled to a point of view. My manager asked for my permission in using my face book account to campaign for Fred, and I gave her a go-ahead. That is the least I can do for a friend.
Why didn’t you do the same for the other guys in the competition to buttress the point?
I have no point to prove Bola…….
So do you consider Fred as the kind of guy you can settle down with perhaps if he proposes?
Thinking of it alone is INCESTOUS
You also seem to have a good relationship with Fred’s brother, Jeta, can you tell us about it?
Jeta is my best friend. He has been my friend for over a decade
But is Nse in any relationship now and who is the lucky guy?
No I am not.
What qualities do you admire in your MR RIGHT?
Like I once said, there is no Mr. Right. But if this question was asked differently as in my dream man, this would be my answer…. A God fearing man who is without airs, yet a slight arrogance which makes him reek of confidence and most of all an unbeatable sense of humor.
Ever since you came back to Nollywood, your career has been on the rise, how does that makes you feel?
I must say that the Grace of God has been abundant in my life, so I have been happy amidst other things.
But why did you leave Nollywood in the first place?
I left because I wanted much at the time; I was in search of self. I think when you are trying to discover yourself, you are constantly searching for yourself and when you are doing that, you want to be satisfied with whatever you are doing. It’s not new to move from place to place but at the end, what you achieve is greater because it is then you’ll know what you want and your worth.
Which role shot you back to limelight when you got back on the scene?
It’s my role as Omoze in Reloaded. And the interesting about the role was that it was practically imposed on me by Emem Isong. She kept encouraging me, telling me I could do it and I went in there and I did what I have to do. And today, I am grateful for her for that big support because if not for her, probably, I wouldn’t have been considered for acting again.
What is the most challenging role you have ever played?
In fairness to all my roles, I think they have been all challenging.
You’re a presently in a make-believe industry where people have different opinions about actresses. How then will you describe yourself?
I am not your girl next door; I am more like the girl down your street.
Tuesday, 9 March 2010

A new reality show is about to be debut on the airwaves. The show tagged Stylogenic is a show weaved around the concept of a style team. The contestants are grouped in teams consisting of various “style elements”; a designer, stylist, make-up artist, photographer and model. These are the people that make the fashion and beauty industry tick. This show recognizes this and for the first time is fusing all these elements together into a reality show. All the designers make up artists, hair stylists, models, photographers and stylists are split into working teams to carry out various tasks each week in pursuit of a common goal – to eliminate the weaker teams. The host of the show is the international renowned super model and former miss world, Agbani Darego.With mouth watering winning prizes, there is no doubt that Stylogenic will indeed usher in the next wave of reality TV by fusing education and entertainment into reality television and also contribute immensely to the growth of The Nigerian Fashion Industry.

Face of Navy Town is a new born female beauty pageant which orients to empower young girls in the Navy Town, Ojo, Lagos. The pageant is the brain child of Warebi Martha, South Africa based super-model. This is coming on the heels of her giving back to the society. All necessary preparations are being put in place to ensure the success of the pageant which is slated for April. The pageant is opened to all secondary school certificate holders as well as undergraduate of tertiary institutions within the age bracket 17 and 26. Prizes running into millions of naira has been budgeted for the first 5 girls at the end of the competition to ensure that she gets the best collaboration from Naval authorities. The final will be held at the officers ground in a very friendly environment that will serve as a good venue for the event.Warebi who runs catwalk studio in South Africa with her partner, Bisi Sowemimo, also a top model also intends to work with the winner of the pageant
Monday, 8 March 2010

Few years ago, Lagos based Make-up Queen, Bunmi Oyeniyi launched herself on the beauty scene with the opening of unveil makeover, a make-up studio and ring outfit which turned 5 years on February 13th, 2010. Having established her brand and becoming a force to reckon with in that terrain, Bunmi is proud to take her business to another level as she diversify into the food business. Her new outfit called Manna Foods specializes in out indigenous delicacies, and it also operates a mobile service

Lagos based make-up artist, Adenike Ogungbe and the brain behind the wave-making make-up outfit, Ewar Make-Over was robbed at gun point 3 weeks ago. City People gathered that the incidence occurred on a Saturday, at the Onipanu axis of Lagos , as she was conveying her husband who was traveling out of the town to the airport when the gang of robbers which consist of 4 armed men, stopped her vehicle and pushed her husband out of the vehicle after collecting all his possessions . Afterwards, they drove EWAR to Gbagada express way, Lagos and pushed her out of the moving vehicle, after she was badly beaten. As a result, she lost her Make-up boxes filled with all her make-up products, her bag, wedding rings, phones and her 2 weeks old Honda car which she recently took delivery of. The incident is still very shocking to her though her friends have been rallying round her to give support.
Saturday, 6 March 2010

House of Tara, an indigenous beauty company comprising of make-up school, make-up line and make-up studio, owned by one of the pioneers in the make-up industry, Tara Durotoye is coming out without a big bang. Following the success of her Orekelewa make-up line, Tara is reinventing and introducing another new line into the market. This season, the House of Tara would be launching a whole new range of product which boasts of being ahead of the times.
The new range of cosmetic product from the House of Tara is called, H.I.P (High Intensity Pigmentation). It is a new line for the new look Nigerian woman. The H.I.P range includes Tube lip glosses, Single Pot eye shadows and 12-in-1 shadows. The 12-in-1 shadows come in 2 ranges as shades as well, Queen Amina and Queen Idia. The high intensity pigmentation of these 2 very inspiring colors enables for long lasting wears with unique qualities such as No fuss, Silky Smooth and long lasting glimmer. The H.I.P Pigment Lip gloss comes in 6 exciting shades namely Eleko, Obudu, Tinapa, Olumo Rock, Ikogosi Falls and Yankari while the H.I.P single pot shadows also comes in exclusive colors.

Couple of months back, supermodel and former spice TV presenter quit her job with the Taju Adepetu’s fashion team and moved on with her life. It wasn’t long before Isio got another job with the Globacom TV show as a presenter. However, Isio who also has a flare for fashion and recently launched her clothing line, Isio- De –Ve-Lager. She makes clothes for different occasions. She recently got a deal with the Lagos State as her outfit will be clothing some of the guests who will be part of this year’s, Lagos carnival, an event that will be taking place in the next couple of weeks.
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